Let's get you booked in.


Choose which package or retainer you would like to book from the links below.  After payment you will receive an email with a log-in link for you to book your sessions directly into my diary at your convenience.  You will be guided through preparation and booking in the appointments step-by-step via the website.

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Whole Mind Masteryā„¢


What you get:

  • Scoping Session 
  • RTT™ Session  
  • Personal Hypno recording
  • Recorded Coaching session
  • Higher Mind Session
  • All bespoke to you

Access the Whole Mind for the most powerful transformation

  • Three Sessions:
    • RTT - Subconscious mind 
    • Coaching - Conscious mind 
    • Higher Mind - Superconscious 
  • Discover what holds you back within, how it presents in your everyday AND a wider perspective as to the lessons and purpose of your issue.
  • Don't only eliminate your problem, access the wider wisdom of it too.

Deep Roots Package


Choice of sessions:

  • Scoping SessionĀ 
  • Extended RTTā„¢ Session Ā 
  • Personal Hypno-rewiring recording
  • Restorative dialogue session
  • Somatic Expression Session
  • Transcendental Session
  • Recorded Coaching sessions
  • All bespoke to you

Access the Whole Mind for theĀ deepestĀ transformation

  • VariousĀ Sessions:
    • RTT - Subconscious mindĀ 
    • Coaching - Conscious mindĀ 
    • Restorative dialogue session
    • Somatic - Body mind
    • TranscendentalĀ - Heart-mind/ SuperconsciousĀ 
  • The most appropriate sessions will be offered based on how your issue presents (min 10 hours total).
  • Work on deep-rooted issues
  • Discover what lies beneath and behind your problem, howĀ you have adapted to unconsciously seek out similar issues, how your nervous system reactivates the past into todayĀ AND a wider perspective as to the lessons and purpose of your issue, so you can move forward open-hearted.
  • Don't only eliminate your problem, integrateĀ it into powerful wisdom and solid growth.

1 x Extended RTT and Coaching Package

  • 1 to 1 personal support
  • Work on perspective blocks.
  • A deep-dive into one particular issue in your life.
  • A single package is enough for many issues.

Perspective Package


What you get

  • Scoping Session 
  • Extended RTT™ Session  
  • Personal Hypno recording
  • Recorded Coaching session
  • All bespoke to you

Resistance Package


What you get

  • Detailed questionnaire 
  • 1 x Basic RTT™ Session  
  • 1 x hypno recording
  • Follow-up written feedback
  • All bespoke to you

1 x Basic RTT Package

  • 1 to 1 online session.
  • Work on resistance blocks.
  • Access the subconscious drivers underlying a particular issue in your life.
  • Ideal for patterns or habits that have occurred later in life.
  • Ideal solution for qualified therapists who want to make the unconscious-conscious and use own tools to work with afterwards.

Access the Higher Mind 

  • Dialogue with the part of your mind which sits outside of the conditioned mind and sees the wider truth of all.
  • Discover a wider wisdom as to the lessons and purpose of your issues today.
  • Ask your higher mind deep questions about your journey and your health challenges.
  • Perfect for a gentler transformation.

Higher Mind Session


What you get:

  • Scoping Session 
  • Higher Mind Session  
  • Session recording to keep
  • All bespoke to you