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All about Rapid Transformational Therapy with On Air with Ella

podcast guest rapid transformational therapy rtt Jul 06, 2021
I'm so excited to go live on the On Air with Ella podcast today.
I've been working with Ella and her family with 1 to 1 RTT and coaching, and I was delighted and honoured to be invited to speak on her podcast about Rapid Transformational Therapy and define just what it can do to get you unstuck in life.
I share my unique approach with RTT and just what it can and can't do for you.  I share how Rapid Transformational Therapy can help you heal deep-rooted issues, eliminate resistance to positive change and change your perspective for a happier life with the On Air with Ella podcast.
Ella really is an angel on a mission, and I grateful to support and be supported by her.
If you are on a growth journey yourself check out and subscribe to her podcast, she speaks very clearly and frankly about her own growth journey and is passionate about introducing different modalities and practitioners to her listenership. She has over 2.2 million downloads and is growing fast, which is a testament to her and her resonance with an audience of #womensupportingwomen.
Give our chat a listenšŸ‘‡ and please share if it resonates. https://www.onairella.com/post/240-rapid-transformational-therapy